The 150 Points of the Phalange

The 150 points of the Phalange

ONE day there will arise phalanxes from every nation and from every class for the renaissance of the Church and the salvation of the world. Their action will necessarily take its inspiration from the heritage of wisdom summarised in our 150 Points; it will be inspired by the Catholic religion, Action française, and the communitarian life. People may say what they wish, but nothing will be reconstructed outside of or counter to these principles which we have inherited from our fathers.

Our Catholicism is integral. It ardently embraces the whole Faith, sacramentary discipline and moral teaching of the Roman Church in its most traditional developed form. Consequently it rejects whatever is contrary or foreign and inimical to it.

Our integral nationalism is another facet of our charity, in no way contradictory but complementary. It considers human things and temporal realities, where it wishes divine grace and law to rule, in their natures and functions, in the light of experience and reason. It is another wisdom and another art. The science and art of politics are oriented towards maintaining the tranquillity of the temporal order and safeguarding the common good, which are the deep desires of every nation.

Points 53 to 100 are presently being translated.

Our spontaneous ecology is less well known and rarely well understood. It encompasses in its natural harmony the whole secret of peaceful human happiness. As a member of a family to which he owes all, the Phalangist naturally and daily devotes himself to the material and spiritual prosperity of this family, where the fate of each depends on all. Such is the object of communitarian ecology. The science and the art of living together – a family, inter-family and human life – is called, or ought to be called, communitarian ecology and economy.

Abbé Georges de Nantes