He is risen !

N° 209 – May 2020

Director : Frère Bruno Bonnet-Eymard

The Divine Sanction!

Priests and the faithful are growing impatient.” “When will religious offices resume?” (Le Figaro, April 17) What offices, what religion? Why, all religions, of course! Did not the President of the Republic praise “the sense of responsibility of the religions” and did he not announce that his services were going to recontact them “before the end of April to consider “the question of reopening places of prayer.” Which ones? Why, mosques, Buddhist temples, synagogues...

What about churches? Ah! “For the Catholic Church, a telephone appointment is soon to be made between the Prime Minister’s office and Bishop Éric de Moulins-Beaufort, President of the Bishops’ Conference of France.” This shows how much of a “sense of responsibility” the latter has!

Moreover, it is affirmed at the highest level of the Church in France that relations with the State in this period of crisis are “regular and excellent.” Marvellous!

What then is the reason for people’s “impatience”? Thierry Magnin, Secretary General of the aforementioned Conference of Bishops of France, specifies that it is because “the resumption of the usual Masses and Sacraments” is considered an urgency, for “the spiritual need is a necessity.”

One senses impatience among the faithful and among priests,” he notes. “It is not a bad mood, but vitality!” Bruno Valentin, the young auxiliary bishop of the Diocese of Versailles confirms this: “It has been six weeks now without Mass! A hunger for the Eucharist is developing among the faithful. Weariness is gaining ground.” And among the priests? No, it does not seem so, nor among the bishops. Deemed suspens a divinis1 by the will of the President of the Republic, they seem to have resigned themselves to it.

Then suddenly comes back to my mind the memory of forty-four years of an illegal, illegitimate, injurious, pernicious, but effective (!) suspens a divinis inflicted by these same priests and bishops or their predecessors, on our Father, Georges de Nantes, on the initiative of Bishop Le Couëdic, of Troyes. He fulminated this sanction on August 25, 1966, the very day of the fortieth anniversary of Pius XI’s “condemnation” of Action française, and his excommunication of the members of this League, after a defamatory campaign. This allowed that Pope’s Germanophilia and pro-Soviet sympathies as well as his theodemocratism to be despotically exercised, until death ensued for fifty-five million Europeans, victims sacrificed to his cherished idols by a Second World War. Our Lady of Fatima had instructed her messenger, Sister Lucy, to warn him about this “horrible, horrible” war, worse than the first, as early as 1930.

In 1991, for the twenty-fifth anniversary of this iniquitous sanction that had been imposed on him, our Father wrote:

“My suspension is infinitely less excruciating for me than the condemnation of Action française, but it is a thousand times worse for the Church. The suspens a divinis serves to cover in advance the conciliar and papal obsessions that are its primary and permanent causes. They thus continue to be despotically brought to bear on the Church until death overtakes five hundred million humans – the most conservative estimate of the number of victims that can be envisaged for the forthcoming chastisements! In other words, in the excommunication of the people of Action française, our own parents, the important thing was not their illusory shame, but the drift of the Catholic religion to a rather unchristian democracy despite its name of “Christian Democracy” and to the disarmament of our countries, provoking Nazi Germany and Communist Russia to wage war against us and to defeat us, which is what happened. The same holds true for my twenty-five years of suspension.

“The shame sullying me is unimportant; it is in itself so minute that if you were to put it under a microscope there would be nothing of it to see. It has nonetheless served the reformist party well: the winners at the Council have used it to terrorise their opponents, pushing them to schism or forcing them to rally to them. The major crime in this affair is the dereliction of duty, ill-disguised by this suspension, of a succession of popes, cardinals, bishops and theologians, accused by us for twenty-five years, with countless and irrefutable proofs, of heresy, schism and finally apostasy. They have excused themselves from passing infallible judgement on the grave dogmatic and moral questions dividing us, with the pretext of this ridiculous disciplinary sanction and this even more derisory Roman “disqualification,” issued by the Press in July 1969. It is a matter of life and death for their wretched souls and for those of millions of faithful whom they are leading to eternal damnation.

“Twenty-five years of this flimsy smoke screen to conceal their dereliction of duty! That is the real scandal; that is what is dreadful. This insult, this infamy authorises, encourages pathetic stooges to offer themselves as executors of the Pope’s base deeds. Such is the case for this anti-sect campaign of which we are the main target, of which our friend Bellanger has literally suffered passion and death. For me, I do not complain, I have nerves of steel and I know what is in the hearts of the men and women of this time. I accuse no one other than the pastors of the Church, the rest are only small fry, whose various heresies, schisms and gnosticisms could pass for an aberration or mental and moral weakness. The dereliction of duty at the top, on the contrary, calls for an implacable public denunciation, for it deserves eternal chastisement, which they would be well advised to fear, and it is charitable to warn them about it.”

How many times have we heard our Father murmur in an anguished tone: Where is Bishop Le Couëdic now?

Instead of the “five hundred million victims” that would have been caused by “weapons of mass destruction”, the Good God preferred to condemn our entire hierarchy to a suspense a divinis which is the just response to their forfeiture, as a merciful warning.

Let us pray for them, let us pray that they hear it, may Pope Francis hear it! His eternal salvation and that of his famished flock are at stake!


So Jesus said to them, ‘Truly, truly, I say to you, unless you eat the Flesh of the Son of man and drink His Blood, you have no life in you; he who eats My Flesh and drinks My Blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day. For My Flesh is food indeed, and My Blood is drink indeed.” (Jn 6:53-55)

These words spoken by Jesus in Capernaum after the miracle of the multiplication of the loaves gave body and blood to the ancient invitation of personified Wisdom in the Old Testament: “Come and eat My bread, drink the wine I have prepared!” (Pr 9:5)

Two thousand years of Christian civilisation have fulfilled it to the letter. The Church has lived on the Eucharist, and the fruit of this daily communion in the Body of her Spouse, in His Precious Blood, are the treasures of holiness, art and science, virtue and charity. All of which are in the course of being ruined through the devastation of the present apostasy, but which will be restored tomorrow through a tender devotion to the Eucharistic Sacred Heart of Jesus and Mary. Many waters cannot quench this Furnace of love, neither can floods drown it (Sg 8:7).

We will be saved only if we become children of compassionate Mary, standing at the foot of the Cross, communing as Co-Redemptrix and universal Mediatrix with all the tenderness of the Sacred Heart towards sinful humanity for which He gives His Body and pours out His Blood in sacrifice, for its ransom.

Our salvation is won by Him, and by Her next to Him in the sublime, unique, Act accomplished by His death on the Cross and the compassion of Mary. It does not suffice for us to believe that this salvation was won for us once and for all, even if it meant making it the object of encouraging, moving, commemorations: “I am the living Bread which came down from Heaven; if anyone eats of this Bread, he will live for ever; and the Bread which I shall give for the life of the world is My flesh.” (Jn 6:51)

Incredulous, the Jews then murmured: “Is not this Jesus, the son of Joseph, whose father and Mother we know? How does He now say, I have come down from Heaven?

Precisely, His Mother Herself could answer them: “Everyone who has heard and learned from the Father comes to Me. Not that anyone has seen the Father except Him Who is from God; He has seen the Father” (Jn 6:45-46) For, what He says of this vital relationship of His whole being with God His Father, we can also say of this mysterious symbiosis that united Mother and Son. It is like a confirmation of the Father’s testimony, constantly invoked by this obedient Son; as though He had said: “There is Another Who bears witness to Me, and I know that the testimony that She bears to Me is true.”

This is why God wishes to establish devotion to Her Immaculate Heart in the world on the road to perdition, so that the miracle of the conversion of poor sinners may truly be Her work, conjointly with that of the Father, Both acting in Their only Son.

Brother Bruno of Jesus-Mary.

Suspens a divinis: in Canon Law, according to Roman Catholic doctrine and practice, suspension is a censure or punishment, by which a priest or cleric is deprived, entirely or partially, of the use of the power of orders, office, or benefice.