Point 16. The Virgin Mary, a Sign of Contradiction.

1. From the times of the disciples of Nestorius to the reformers of the Second Vatican Council, “discord is periodically sown in the Christian family concerning You, O Mother of God.” It is an inevitable necessity and a malediction for every sect to attack and founder on this stumbling block! All sorts of pretexts are put forward: in the 5thcentury, they wanted to deepen the dogma of the Incarnation; in the 16th, to better acknowledge the greatness of God and the gratuitousness of his gifts. In our day, they seek to cast a better light on the mystery of the Church and the principles of her apostolate; at all times, ‘Christocentrism’ has been pitted against devotion to Our Lady.

For their contentious minds always turn against the Virgin, the Throne of Wisdom, Who is rightly in possession of the secret and the last word on these mysteries that they are seeking to understand! Scholars contest Her most beautiful titles, curates snatch Rosary beads from the hands of children. Each ‘reform’ must begin by waging war against Mary.

2. The Immaculate Virgin is indeed a sign of contradiction, the occasion for a revelation of hearts. By virtue of a providential provision, God has established Her as the guardian, or better still, the safeguard of the Church and of Christians. It is the Blessed Virgin Mary Who saves us from the mirages of Antichrist by crushing his head. This is why it is said: “She alone will conquer heresies throughout the world”.

From the dogma of the Divine Maternity proclaimed by the Council of Ephesus in 431, to that of the Immaculate Conception, defined by Blessed Pius IX in 1854, and confirmed at Lourdes on March 25, 1858 by the Immaculate Conception in Person, fourteen centuries have passed. During this time, vying with one another, Fathers of the Church, theologians and poets have hailed in Mary the perfect, but true, real and substantial ideal of a created Wisdom, virgin, wife and mother, blessed among all women, predestined by the loving will of God alone, a will that creates, espouses and fecundates.

Some people may find that the Virgin Mary is now taking on too much importance, which is proof that Her mystery and devotion are getting in the way of their inventions and projects. If they were satisfied, content, satiated in the Church, they would rejoice fully in the glory of Mary.

Far from being surprised by the rage unleashed by Satan against the Immaculate, the Phalangist will devote boundless love to Our Lady, his Mother and his Queen, the fruitful Virgin to Whom the humble and penitent, the good Christians and those who wish to become such, multitudes of all races and languages who believe in the Saviour and hope in His grace, all men of good will united at last, find refuge, while the tumult of the World raised by Satan resounds against Her and against Jesus. It is under the banner of the Immaculate that the Phalangist fights, relentlessly denouncing the Devil’s inventions throughout the centuries and even within Holy Church today.