The plot

UNDER the heading “ Impassioned Speech against German Bishops, ” the daily Die Welt quotes “ Cardinal Müller’s caution against a scission of the Catholic Church: ”

“ The Catholic Church is currently in a transitional phase: Pope Francis is encouraging the Church to evolve, which clearly antagonises the conservatives. ” (Die Welt, September 5, 2015)

“ The conservatives ” of what? Of the Second Vatican Council! The fact is that “ the conservative wing, to which Cardinal Müller also belongs, follows more closely the line of the Emeritus Pope. ”

Does that mean that there is a contradiction between Pope Francis’ line and that of the “ Emeritus Pope? ” Indeed there is! Benedict XVI was one of the main agents of the conciliar revolution as a young theologian, and he ensured its effective implementation as Bishop of Munich, then as Pope John Paul II’s right-hand man, and finally as Sovereign Pontiff! So little “ conservative ” was he that after having plunged the Church into a chasm of disorder and scandals, he threw in the towel and resigned! He is rather a predator...

“ Each Pope has a powerful charism, ” declared Fr. Guy Gilbert, renowned for his ministry to hooligans, after having concelebrated with Pope Francis in Saint-Martha’s chapel. He already had the opportunity of meeting John Paul II and Benedict XVI. “ But Francis has a debunking charism that is humanising and transfiguring the Church. No more sumptuous ceremonies; the Church currently needs simplicity. After him, I cannot imagine that we will go back to the way it was before, ” he declared, while at the same time recalling that this new vigour was due in great part to Benedict XVI by “ the audacity and the courage of his resignation. ”

Fr. Gilbert could not have put it better!

The quarrel that is raging today among German Cardinals brings into sharp focus the question of the true objective behind Benedict’s resignation: “ In Order for the Council to Continue? ” (He is Risen no. 126, March 2013)

“ When he was still Bishop of Regensburg, Müller did not mince words, constantly stigmatising what, in his opinion, wasan adapting of the doctrine of the Church to the spirit of the times.’ ” (Die Welt) This is precisely what Fr. de Nantes criticised Fr. Ratzinger for doing when he was Cardinal Frings’ theological ‘peritus.’ Before resigning, however, Ratzinger made a point of appointing Müller Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith instead of leaving the choice of the head of this very important dicastery to his successor. Thus dressed in sheep’s clothing by the friendship of this close confident whom he entrusted with publishing his complete works, Pope Ratzinger is disguised as a “ conservative ” pitted against Müller’s “ personal enemy, ” Cardinal Reinhard Marx, a member of the nine-cardinal council instituted by Pope Francis to help the Church get out of the rut where she was abandoned by Benedict XVI, the ‘emeritus’ Pope who is poised to become an authentic antipope.

Thus is being fulfilled what I had announced after Benedict XVI’s resignation: “ The Pope, who tomorrow will want to restore the Church and eradicate evil not only by ousting the corrupt but by returning to the Catholic Faith, contrary to Vatican II, will be criticised for having betrayed Benedict and, through him, John Paul II, Paul VI and John XXIII. ” (He is Risen no. 126, March 2013)

This is precisely what Cardinal Tauran implied the day before yesterday in Paris: ‘Rediscover Paul VI, the Pope of the Council,’ in a public lecture given in the Centre-Sèvres in Paris. It was led by Isabelle de Gaulmyn and Fr. de Charentenay, director of this ‘Jesuit University,’ and by our Parisian student group! They gave it a special ‘atmosphere.’

The trap had been laid long ago. Under the heading, “ Ratzinger and his Anabaptists, ” Georges de Nantes, our Father, denounced in advance the would-be “ conservative ” who, while feigning to stand up to Hans Küng, refused to regard Vatican II as “ the outmoded past. For him [Ratzinger], Vatican II is still, after twenty years, the present day of the Church. ” (CCR no.182, August 1985)

In his book, Conversation on Faith, signed by Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger and Vittorio Messori, he formulated what Georges de Nantes called “ the fundamental Ratzingerian dogma: ”

“ I have always wished to remain faithful to Vatican II, this present-day of the Church, without nostalgia for a yesterday that is past beyond the point of return, without impatience for a tomorrow that does not belong to us. ”

Our Father declared this formula idiotic, heretical and vicious.

“ This stupid formula is all the more idiotic in that the man who is speaking has stopped his clock to pretend that it is still midday when the sun of Vatican II has long since set [...]. He stopped the pendulum of his Bavarian clock on December 7, 1965. He was then thirty-eight years old; he was young and handsome: he was the phoenix of the German periti. This old celebrity failed to see the time pass. As for all the other celebrities [Rahner, Congar, Schillebeeckx,] he knows that they have passed, passed away or been left behind. But he is still there, as handsome and as young as ever. His hour is the Today of the Church and of the world. Heaven and earth will pass away but Vatican II and its sun, Ratzinger, will not pass away! Blasphemy... ”

“ Such a principle of action is heretical, as indeed are all absurd propositions. This one, however, is supremely heretical and absurd. For if there is a major dogmatic principle, it is that of Tradition, which is precisely that of the presence of the past in today’s Church and in her future until the consummation of time. Not the presence of any old past, not the fallacious past of Revolutions. It is the past of Divine Revelation, of the Incarnation of the Word, of mankind’s Redemption through the Cross of Jesus Christ, of His glorious Resurrection and bodily Ascension, of His instituting the Church and the communication of His divine powers, finally of His sending the Holy Spirit to His Apostles on the day of Pentecost and of His wonderful assistance to His Church at all times except that of the foretold great apostasy, which is where we are now. That past will never pass. Compared with that, Vatican II, Paul VI, John-Paul II and Ratzinger are merely dead autumn leaves swept on by the wind and doomed to be burnt... ” As is Tauran and the torrent of stupidities that he aired before us on Thursday, September 24.

“ That past is far from being ‘past beyond the point of return,’ as he wickedly dares to say. It is happily impassable and marvellously unsurpassable [...]. Our religion comes wholly from the past and its task today is to defend, to preserve intact and to pass on to tomorrow the Tradition without any substantial alteration or innovation. ”

This is what Pope Francis is doing! Thus, he thwarts Ratzinger’s “ vicious formula ” that “ seems to express an equal and symmetrical rejection of both those who hold to the past, called retrograde, and those who hold to the future, or progressivists. ”

“ Ratzinger’s vice, like that of all the overcautious and conservative adherents of Vatican II, consists in this false symmetry of two groups of supposedly equal value [...], one of which is reduced to nothingness while the other is hypocritically invited to be patient, for the future belongs to it. ” (CCR no.182, August 1985, p. 2-3) This is what Tauran referred to as a “ divide ” between the religion of Paul VI and the religion of Pope Francis: the popular religion. “ Fit for the dustbin, ” declared Jezebel de Gaulmyn

Pope Francis brings back to life “ Catholics who are just plain Catholics, who are neither reformed nor conciliar and who have no wish to be either, ” as Georges de Nantes used to define us.

“ Pope Francis encourages the Church to evolve, ” writes the author of the article of ‘Die Welt.’ In which direction? His catechesis on the family happily indicates the direction, publicly, on Saint Peter’s Square, from the general audience of Wednesday, December 10, 2014 to that of September 16, 2015.


He began by holding up the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph as an example: “ They were not a superficial family, they were not an unreal family. They show “ the vocation and mission of the family, of every family. ” This mission consists in “ welcoming Jesus, listening to Him, speaking with Him, guarding Him, protecting Him, growing with Him. ” This is “ the great mission of the family: to make room for Jesus Who is coming, to welcome Jesus in the family, in each member: children, husband, wife, grandparents... Jesus is there. ”

The Holy Father states that each time a family lives out this mission, the mystery of salvation “ is at work ” (December 17, 2014).

There follows a first series of catecheses devoted to the “ members of a family. ” The first catechesis extols “ the maternal martyrdom, ” the model of which is the Blessed Virgin. “ Despite being highly lauded from a symbolic point of view – many poems, many beautiful things said poetically of her – the mother is rarely listened to or helped in daily life, rarely considered central to society in her role. ” Alas, how true this is of the Blessed Virgin! (January 7, 2014)

As for paternity, the Pope begins by painting the portrait of the “ bad father ” (January 28), before describing the role of the best of fathers, whose model is St. Joseph and whose objective is to “ hand down this heritage. ” Following the example of the father of the prodigal son (cf. Lk 15:11-32,) “ a good father knows how to wait and knows how to forgive from the depths of his heart. Certainly, he also knows how to correct with firmness: he is not a weak father, submissive and sentimental. The father who knows how to correct without humiliating is the one who knows how to protect without sparing himself. ” (February 4)

This an autobiographical portrait!

As for children, “ they are the joy of the family and of society. ” They bear witnesses to “ the beauty of being loved first: children are loved before having done anything to deserve it, before knowing how to talk or think, even before coming into the world! ”

“ In Europe, the birth rate does not reach one percent. Why? Let each of us consider and respond. If a family with many children is looked upon as a weight, something is wrong! ”

“ In the multiplication of generations there is a mystery of enrichment of the life of all, which comes from God Himself. We must rediscover it, challenging prejudice; and live it, in the faith, in perfect happiness. And I say to you: how beautiful it is when I pass in your midst and I see the dads and moms lift up their children to be blessed; this is an almost divine gesture. Thank you for doing it! ” (February 11)

“ How good it is, how pleasant, where brethren dwell as one! ” (Ps 132.1; February 18) “ These elderly persons throughout society ought to be a reservoir of wisdom for our people! ” (March 4) “ Where there is no honour for the elderly, there is no future for the young. ”

The Pope, whom the Filipino people greeted saying “ Lolo Kiko, ” i.e. “ Grandpa Francis, ” first observed: “ It is true that society tends to discard us, but the Lord definitely does not! [...]. Old age is a vocation. It is not yet time topull in the oars.’ ”

It is even less so for the Pope...

“ The Gospel comes to meet us with a really moving and encouraging image. It is the image of Simeon and Anna, whom are spoken of in the Gospel of Jesus’ childhood, composed by St Luke. There were certainly elderly, theold man,Simeon, and theprophetess,’ Anna, who was 84 years old. This woman did not hide her age. The Gospel says that they awaited the coming of God every day, with great trust, for many years. They truly wanted to see Him that day, to grasp the signs, to understand the origin. By then, they were also perhaps more resigned to die first: that long wait, however, continued to occupy their whole life, having no commitments more important than this: to await the Lord and pray.

“ So, when Mary and Joseph went to the Temple to fulfil the provisions of the Law, Simeon and Anna moved quickly, inspired by the Holy Spirit (cf. Lk 2:27). The burden of age and waiting disappeared in an instant. They recognised the Child, and discovered new strength, for a new task: to give thanks for and bear witness to this Sign from God. Simeon improvised a beautiful hymn of jubilation (cf. Lk 2:29-32) – in that moment he was a poet – and Anna became the first woman to preach of Jesus: shespoke of Him to all who were looking for the redemption of Jerusalem.’ (Lk 2:38).

Here again is an autobiographical homily: through the words of Pope Francis, Jesus is back in His Church, after having been forced to flee by the Modernist words of his predecessors for fifty years!

Then, Pope Francis concluded: “ The words of grandparents have special value for the young. And the young know it. I still carry with me, always, in my breviary, the words my grandmother consigned to me in writing on the day of my priestly ordination. I read them often and they do me good. ” (March 11)

Two catecheses devoted to little children, “ the great excluded ones who are often not allowed to be born... ” concluded the programme of a restoration of the Christian family (March 18 and April 8). Between them was a “ a pause in prayer ” for the extraordinary Synodal Assembly devoted to the family that would be held in October:

“ The bond between the Church and the family is sacred and inviolable. The Church, as a mother, never abandons the family, even when it is downhearted, wounded and humiliated in so many ways. Neither when it falls into sin nor when it moves away from the Church; she will always do everything to try to care for and heal it, to call it to conversion and to reconcile it to the Lord. ” (March 25, 2015)

Once again, when speaking about children, the object of the constant concern of “ Lolo Kiko , ” “ Grandpa Francis, ” he quoted the passage of Saint Matthew in which Jesus criticises His disciples for rebuking the children who were brought to Him by their parents so that He might bless them. The Pope exclaimed: “ How I would like this passage to become the norm for all children! ” (April 8)

“ Children also pay the price for immature unions and irresponsible separations: they are the first victims [...]. Also in our age, as in the past, the Church sets her motherhood at the service of children and their families. To parents and children of this world of ours, she bears the blessing of God, motherly tenderness, a firm reproach and strong condemnation. Children are no laughing matter! ”

Thus, as we progressed through these catecheses, we were able to get the measure of the pastoral concern of our Holy Father, the Pope, the Father of a “ large family. ” On April 15, he tackled “ an aspect central to the theme of the family: the great gift that God gave to humanity with the creation of man and woman and with the sacrament of marriage. ”

After having recalled the first narrative of the creation of the human being – “ In the image of God He created them; male and female He created them ” (Gn 1:27) –, the Pope established that “ the marital and familial bond is a serious matter, and it is so for everyone not just for believers. ”


There then emerged a thought that would prevail throughout the rest of these catecheses on the family:

“ There is no doubt that we must do far more to advance women [...]. We have not yet understood in depth what the feminine genius can give us, what woman can give to society and also to us. Women know how to see things in a way that complements the thoughts of men.

This first observation, in which we recognise a constant thought of our founder, Fr. Georges de Nantes, leads the Pope to wonder “ if the crisis of collective trust in God, which does us so much harm, and makes us pale with resignation, incredulity and cynicism, is not also connected to the crisis of the covenant between man and woman. In fact the biblical account, with the great symbolic fresco depicting the earthly paradise and original sin, tells us in fact that the communion with God is reflected in the communion of the human couple and the loss of trust in the heavenly Father generates division and conflict between man and woman. ”

Posing the question in this manner leads to the solution, to the response brought by the revelation of the Immaculate Conception. She crushes the head of the Serpent and restores both the covenant of Man, in the Person of Jesus, ultimately invoked by the Pope, and of Woman in the Person of His Divine Mother:

“ Jesus encourages us explicitly to bear witness to this beauty, which is the image of God, ” and which shines from the gentle face of Mary radiant with grace and tenderness. That is why God wishes to establish in the world devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary by the consecration of Russia.

We must therefore pray for Pope Francis as he insistently asks us to do, and as requested by the three little shepherds of Fatima who had seen him “ passing through a large city half in ruins and, half trembling with halting step, afflicted with pain and sorrow, he prayed for the souls of the corpses he met on his way. ”

Then the vision of little Jacinta of Fatima will be fulfilled:

“ I saw the Holy Father in a very big house, kneeling by a table, with his head in his hands and weeping. Outside, there were many people and some of them were throwing stones, others were cursing him and using bad language against him. Poor Holy Father! We must pray very hard for him! ”

Another time, at the Cabeço, she called her cousin Lucy:

“ Can’t you see all those highways and roads and fields full of dead people with their blood pouring out, and others who are crying with hunger and have nothing to eat? And the Holy Father in a church praying before the Immaculate Heart of Mary? And so many people praying with him? ”

This is the picture that the situation of the world offers us today. We look ahead to “ the Holy Father praying before the Immaculate Heart of Mary. ”

“ On the day that the Pope decides to obey the demands of the Blessed Virgin, the Immaculate Heart of Mary will triumph. It will not take long for this conciliar Church to collapse. This is the unfailing hope that our Father, a true devotee of Our Lady of Fatima, passed on to us. All the human manoeuvres, all the precautions that Benedict XVI and the others have taken in order to assure the triumph of their errors, will be vain. As was the case at the accession of John Paul I, a few days will suffice for the Catholic Faith and its works to be reborn. ”

The ‘Anabaptists’ are quite aware of this. That is why not a single one of them mentioned John Paul I during the ‘round-table discussion’ that followed Cardinal Tauran’s lecture in Paris, on Thursday, September 24.

“ If it is the next Pope who gives us this happiness, then by manoeuvring in order to assure the survival of Vatican II, Benedict XVI will have acted despite himself for the triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, by freeing the Apostolic See before it is too late. Let us hope for his sake that he converts before appearing before God for his eternal judgement. ” (He is Risen no. 126, March 2013)

Brother Bruno of Jesus-Mary.