New publications on the CRC website
These new Norms is bringing about a veritable revolution in the Church, since they profoundly alter the function and mission of her Pastors, who for 2000 years have been defending their flock against Satan’s most subtle stratagems. A study of the life of the little king Louis XVII, the holy victim of revolutionary ignominy and a victim of atonement at the Sacred Heart for the kings of his ancestors who rebelled against the calls of heaven. Let us read Sister Lucy, the messenger of Our Lady: “Please do not look upon this communication as something that comes from myself,” she tells us. “Look upon it, rather as the echo of the voice of God.” “Well then, dear Mama, I shall place my glory in following your advice and obeying you.” He remained faithful to this resolution, not in words, but in deeds and in truth. This would be the constant source of his inner joy and, in truth, of his holiness. Louis XVII was, of all the long line of our Kings, the most perfect instrument of the mysterious divine design, which is not yet one of judgement, but one of mercy on our country, and which passes through the royal ways of sorrows, martyrdoms and crosses, to the restoration of the Kingdom of Christ in France. Study of the French Revolution. Studies on the history of France from Clovis to the 20th century. The new Norms for Proceeding in the Discernment of Alleged Supernatural Phenomena hinders the merciful design of the Holy Hearts of Jesus and Mary by swamping the true apparitions of the Virgin Mary by a mass of alleged supernatural phenomena. He is risen ! n° 256 - June 2024 Odious in its beginnings, the religion of God’s Chosen People failed in its attempt to establish the Divine Utopia. Is it therefore unjustifiable? This chapter exposes one of the baneful fruits of ecumenism at Vatican II: the outrages against the Immaculate Mediatrix. This is why, at Pontevedra, Our Lord asked for the practice of the reparatory devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Certainly, in Russia, Bolshevism tried to destroy the people’s devotion to the Mother of God. But the blasphemies of Catholics are far more serious than these offences by apostates and godless people. With the benefit of hindsight, the message of Pontevedra seems astonishingly prophetic. 1999 marked the centenary of the consecration of the world to the Sacred Heart of Jesus by Pope Leo XIII. Our Father wanted us to follow Blessed Maria Droste zu Vischering, the confidante and messenger of the Divine Heart, so that she might initiate us to the splendours of the Love of Jesus and help us to be the devoted servants of His Reign. Millions of television viewers world-wide watched live the Address that John XXIII delivered to the 2540 Fathers that filled Saint Peter’s Basilica on October 11, 1962 to open the proceedings of the Second Vatican Council. It was a technical feat, to be sure, but the inattention of the three or four billion human beings was quasi general. A truly mystical teaching for our time, by Father de Nantes. Summary of the history of the Church in the 18th century. Freemasonry and the philosophers of the Enlightenment called everything into question in the name of reason and freedom. The century ended in the immense upheaval of the Revolution. Historical study of the colonisation of French Indochina, now divided into three countries: Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia. Studies on Catholic and French missions and colonisation. Brothers Gerard and Michel visit Moure in Portugal to learn more about the recent Eucharistic Miracle (1996). The visions and apparitions with which the holy Jesuit was favoured at the beginning of the 18th century are a continuation of those at Paray-le-Monial and a confirmation of their veracity. Our Lord’s promise to Saint Margaret Mary that “I shall reign in spite of My enemies” was certainly fulfilled in Spain. After the loss of Dien Bien Phu the French Republic hastened to abandon to the Communists the northern part of what had formerly been the pearl of our empire. In order to understand the underlying reasons for such a setback, we must go back nine years to March 9, 1945, the date of the Japanese offensive. Sister Lucy, a privileged child of the Blessed Virgin, is an outstanding catechist, as her book Apelos (Calls from the Message of Fatima) proves. When you read it, you realise that the religion of the Council is not the religion taught by Our Lady of Fatima. Thus, Sister Lucy finds herself established as the guardian of the Catholic Faith, nourishing our hope and keeping our hearts as children of Mary in a tender and loving spiritual communion. He is risen ! n° 253 - March 2024 Thus, Our Lady intercedes, like Abraham in Sodom and Gomorrah, while Pope Francis blesses sinners without asking them to convert! What can we do? Console Our Lady! Here is the Forward that Father Georges de Nantes wrote to his ultimate work, “Vatican II, Auto-da-fe” for which he obtained “by our prayers and our merits, […] the assistance, both apocalyptic and eschatological of the Blessed Virgin Mary and Jesus, Who will grant the ‘apostles of the last times’, for whom St. Louis-Marie Grignion de Montfort hoped and prayed, to become Holy Church saving herself.” A hundred years ago, on April 3, 1924, Georges, Marie, Camille de Nantes was born in Toulon in southern France. Let us spend this Centenary year reading Father de Nantes’ final writing, “Vatican II, Auto-da-fe”. Powerful minds have declared that the religion of the Old Testament, together with ours that is derived from it, is intrinsically odious, abounding in fanaticism, racism and totalitarianism. Is this so? Having criticised the other religions and ideocracies exactly and severely, we must now examine our own Catholic religion with the same impartiality and rigour. Is our religion so perfect? Father de Nantes realised that in order for the Church to recover, for a Catholic Renaissance to take place, a doctrinal renewal was required. He therefore set out to found a school of thought, to develop a positive Catholic Renaissance doctrine. Thanks to Saint Pius X, the Church resumed its progress in all fields and in all countries until 1950. From 1960 on, however, under the pontificate of Paul VI, the Church was to suffer the greatest religious revolution in her history. History of the Catholic Church, from its origins to the present day. Historical studies on the Kingdom of Austria-Hungary. Studies on the History of Foreign Countries, Using our Doctrine of Catholic Counter-Reformation. One cannot speak of the Emperor Charles of Austria without mentioning at the same time the figure of his spouse, the Empress Zita. This is because they formed a holy and united couple, both in the days of peace and happiness that did not last and in the tragic years of war and exile. Cardinal von Galen ranks among the figureheads of Catholicism in Germany. His beatification in 2005 enters into a plan of grace and mercy of the Holy Hearts of Jesus and Mary, whose ardent desire is to see this nation return to the bosom of the Roman Church. In this chapter we see the Third Secret unfolding: the bloody persecution of Catholics in the Communist world. Their heroic fidelity led Cardinal Frings to say: “We must never forget that the last half-century alone has produced more martyrs than the three centuries of Roman persecution.” Yet, the Church hierarchy stubbornly refused to obey Heaven’s requests. Our Lord’s words to Sister Lucy: “It will never be too late to have recourse to Jesus and Mary” strengthen our hope of the Immaculate Heart of Mary’s triumph. A predestined childhood: “A little voice said to me: ‘You must become a missionary Father, go to Africa and eventually let yourself be eaten there.’ ” From the Wehrmacht to the hell of the gulag: “After fifty years, there are events that cannot be forgotten! After my liberation and for ten years thereafter, I had nightmares every night. I was haunted by the war and my captivity in Russia.” “Lourdes itself proves Catholicism. O Immaculate Mary, what the Apostle said, what the Prophet Isaiah announced, is fulfilled every day in Your privileged sanctuary. This is where our delighted eyes contemplate a twofold wonder: proud minds are confounded, true believers are flooded with light and love.” Account of our pilgrimage to Lourdes. The story of Father Pierre Henry, the holy missionary to the Eskimos of the Canadian Far North, and his response to Vatican II. The ‘people of God’ presented as being holy, absolutely perfect, infallible, and democratic, having elusive contours, endowed purportedly with an innate and collective instinct of faith that the Holy Spirit directly and assuredly grants them, is ‘pure’ illuminism. It is not Catholic nor does it correspond to the sensus fidei, in its traditional sense. The Church is a “large city half in ruins” through which the Holy Father, stripped of his pontifical vestments, is constantly pacing “with halting step”. He is deaf to the gentle voice that is saying: “In time, one faith, one baptism, one Church, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic. In eternity, Heaven!” Some people may find that She is now taking on too much importance, which is proof that Her mystery and devotion are getting in the way of their inventions and projects. If they were satisfied, content, satiated in the Church, they would rejoice fully in the glory of Mary. Letter to Mr. Jean-Christian Petitfils, historian and writer of a bestseller: The Holy Shroud of Turin, Proof of the Passion of Jesus Christ, in the hope of showing him the deficiencies and inaccuracies in his book. He is risen ! n° 249 - November 2023 In order for our Father to remain at the helm of the Community, Saint Jeanne de Chantal and Saint Francis de Sales teach us that the only thing we must do is not to squander the treasure that he left us, namely, “the most holy humility and love of our own abjection”, which are our present lot in the Church. He is risen ! n° 94 - July 2010 The visions of the Third Secret of Fatima, deciphered in this book, use biblical figures to give us a parable of the events we are living through. Two months after October 13, 1960 when, at Fatima, a million pilgrims were praying to Our Lady for world peace and against the spread of Communism, the Soviets suffered fatal explosions during their aerospace and nuclear experiments. This was the realisation of the inaugural vision of the Third Secret, the marvellous exegetical, mystical and historical riches of which are set out in this chapter, together with Sister Lucia's urgent recommendations. “The apostolate is a continuation of the mission of Christ on earth; we must be co-workers with Christ in His work of Redemption, in the salvation of souls. The apostolate of prayer must be the basis of every other apostolate, if it is to be effective and fruitful.” The Progressivists reject the Church’s age-old institutions and her entire tradition. They excel in destroying the works of God and all their great past, but they turn out to be incapable of building any holy or lasting works.The new Norms against the discernment of spirits: Your Eminence, you are heretical, schismatic and scandalous
Louis XVII, the Little Martyr King
“Calls from the Message of Fatima”
2. Lucy speaks to make the Immaculate Heart of Mary known and lovedThe mystery of Louis XVII
I. A little prince charmingThe mystery of Louis XVII
The French Revolution (1789)
Sacred History of France
Cardinal Fernandez’s contempt
for the Immaculate Heart of Mary
“Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites!”N° 256 - June 2024
2. A Religion Justified
John-Paul I, the Pope of the Secret
3. Vatican Council II and the Fatima Revelations1999: the Holy year of the Sacred Heart
The Church of the 19th Century
Vatican II - Auto-da-fe
Chapter 1: Pope John XXIII’s Opening AddressMysticism
The Church in the 18th Century
French Indochina
Mission and Colonisation
Moure, it's authentic!
A truly instructive visitFather Hoyos, a disciple of Saint Margaret Mary
French Indo-China: 1624-1954 (2)
Calls from the Message of Fatima
N° 253 - March 2024
Our Mediatrix, Daughter of Abraham
Vatican II - Auto-da-fe
ForewordThe centenary of Father Georges de Nantes’ birth
1. The Religion of the Bible, Odious?
The Word of God (1):
Introduction to a tryptic on the Catholic ReligionFather de Nantes’ School of Thought
The Church in the 20th Century
History of the Church
Empress Zita, French princess,
Empress and Regent of Austria-HungaryCardinal Von Galen, a Bishop after God’s Heart
John-Paul I, the Pope of the Secret
2. 1960: the parting of the waysFather Krémer, Missionary of the Immaculate Heart
I. IN THE TORMENT OF THE WAR (1923-1968)Lourdes, the gate of Heaven
Father Pierre Henry, apostle of the Netjiliks
Synodal illuminism!
What “God wills”
Point 16. The Virgin Mary, a Sign of Contradiction
The Holy Shroud, the definitive answer
N° 249 - November 2023
The fruits of a pilgrimage: Our Father is still at the helm
N° 94 – July 2010
John-Paul I, the Pope of the Secret
John-Paul I, the Pope of the Secret
1. The Immaculate and the angel“Calls from the Message of Fatima”
1.2. The calls of eternal wisdom against the folly of the cult of man who makes himself godPoint 22. Against the Progressivism
of Félicité de Lamennais