He is risen !
N° 171 – January 2017
Director : Frère Bruno Bonnet-Eymard
Since our Holy Father turns a deaf ear, we must turn to the Blessed Virgin, our Divine Mother. We must enter the mystery of Your two Hearts, O Jesus, O Mary! Their message is the solemn and infallible divine expression of the dogma of the Faith: namely that They are a family in Heaven... and neither of Them bears to see the Other in deep sorrow. In his Message for the fiftieth World Day of Peace, Pope Francis draws the picture of the fruits of Paul VI’s Message : “ Today, sadly, we find ourselves engaged in a horrifying world war fought piecemeal. ” It is thus high time for us to obey the Message that was addressed to us a century ago by She Whom Benedict XV had just invoked under the title of Queen of Peace, as the Archbishop of Alep has just done, hastening the liberation of his city.Petition to Our Lady
The Pope and Peace