He is risen !
N° 212 – August 2020
Director : Frère Bruno Bonnet-Eymard
The media campaign launched by the CEF against the CCR devotes four lines to the CCR’s “errors” on the mystery of the Holy Trinity. The bishops of France reproach our Father for having presented the three divine Persons as “three divine beings.” It so happens that he did indeed use this expression – but to reprove it! Read for yourself, a good opportunity to revisit his meditation on this mystery of a Unique God and not of a united God. In reply to Archbishop de Moulins-Beaufort acknowledging receipt of his open letter, Brother Bruno de Jésus-Marie reminds him of the substance of our doctrinal dispute; if Father de Nantes is slandered by truncating quotations from his writings it is in order to avoid having to resolve this dispute, and for a very good reason. Consequently, our service to the Church is to remain faithful to him and to persist in demanding a doctrinal examination in due canonical form. Under the heading: “A dangerous theology of the Eucharist,” the warning issued by the bishops of France, with many truncated quotations, manifests an equally astounding lack of understanding on their part, of both the Mystery of the Eucharist, Mysterium Fidei, and of Father de Nantes’ doctrine on this Mystery, which is nothing more than an inspiring contemplation of it.Eucharistic, Marian and Trinitarian Theophany
Brother Bruno answers
Archbishop de Moulins-BeaufortA Media-Staged “Warning”