Letter to the Phalange no. 117
Anniversary of the fourth manifestation de Notre-Dame à Fatima,
August 13, 2021.
Jesus-Mary! Joseph!
My dear friends,
The welcome given by the ministers of the Catholic Church, which is Roman, to our summer camps in all corners of Douce France, has proved that we belong to this divine family, of which the Immaculate Heart of Mary is the Gate. In Lourdes, the Immaculate did not want anyone other than our young boys and girls to bear Her banners and Her processional litter, as shown in this photo.
At the very moment when the diabolical disorientation is at its peak, Mary Mediatrix is crushing the head of the Serpent and keeping us on the right path, the one that leads to Heaven, the only goal of all our works.
This is why we must not join those who are beginning to “throw stones” at the Holy Father in fulfilment of Jacinta’s prophetic vision:
“One day, when Jacinta was alone, seated on the slab-top of the well, she had a vision that greatly saddened her. After a while, she called Lucy, who had gone with Francisco to look for wild honey in a bramble bush situated in the cavity of a nearby rock. Thinking that she had not been the object of a special favour, and that Lucy was also aware of what she had seen, Jacinta asked her:
“Didn’t you see the Holy Father?
– No!
– Well, I don’t know how it was, but I saw the Holy Father in a very big house, kneeling before a table, with his head in his hands and weeping. Outside, there were many people and some of them were throwing stones, others were cursing him and saying very wicked words to him. Poor Holy Father! We must pray very hard for him!
The Cabeço was for them another place where they could take refuge to escape the torment inflicted on them by questioners. There as well, Jacinta was favoured with a vision. All three of them were prostrate on the ground and were reciting the prayers that the Angel had taught them. Suddenly, Jacinta stood up and exclaimed:
“Oh! Lucy! Can’t you see all those highways and roads and fields full of dead people with their blood pouring out, and others who are crying with hunger and have nothing to eat? And the Holy Father in a church praying before the Immaculate Heart of Mary? And so many people praying with him?”
Several days later, she asked Lucy:
“Can I say that I saw the Holy Father and all those people?”
“No!” her cousin answered sharply. “Don’t you see that that’s part of the Secret? If you do, soon everything will be discovered!”
“All right. Then I’ll say nothing.”
Because we no longer have a priest in our Community since the holy death of our Father, our indelible character as children of the Church is manifested by our faithful recourse to the sacraments that are distributed by the priests of our parishes. At the same time, our “non-negotiable” Catholic faith, unchanged, unchangeable by reason of its divine perfection requires us to remain inflexible in our “rejection” of Vatican II. More than ever, we maintain the accusations formulated by Father de Nantes against the heresies of this Council, which mortally wound the Catholic Faith and the Church.
Thus we are providentially exempted from taking part in the “quarrel of rites” that is heedlessly perturbing minds concerning Pope Francis’ Motu Proprio that abolishes his predecessor’s. The “disorientation” is such that, some “trads” are returning to the Pope Emeritus and “throwing stones” at the reigning Pope; others “curse him and use bad language against him,” with no respect for his divine authority. For our part, we renew today to Pope Francis the appeal addressed by Father de Nantes, our Founder, to the Supreme Judge of the Faith entreating him to render an infallible sentence on this crucial accusation. Being aware that we are asking for a true miracle, we address our Petition to the Immaculate Mediatix, the Help of Christians Who alone is victorious over all heresies. We are sure that She will hear us, should we not be heeded by the Supreme Pontiff.
“Poor Holy Father! We must pray very hard for him!” Rather than pitting Benedict XVI against him!
Because Pope Francis is only the disciple of his predecessors, from John XXIII to this same Benedict XVI, whom Father de Nantes, our master, alone denounced. This disarmed the trap that we, the first brothers of the Community, were thus able to avoid, although we had received the same seminary training as the young Georges Bergoglio, in the same years of the Council.
An emulator of Karl Rahner, Father Joseph Ratzinger was the Private Expert of the very Modernist Cardinal Joseph Frings during the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965). He then pursued his career, becoming Archbishop of Munich and, in 1981, Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. Our Father then began examining with the greatest attention, both his speeches and the documents and books he published. He always found that Cardinal Ratzinger’s supposedly reactionary positions never constituted a true “return of the Roman Magisterium to its divine function of conserving, defending and teaching the revealed Truth.” For example, his Letter of August 6, 1983 that he wrote to the Bishops on the power of consecrating the Eucharist to remind them that laymen are not empowered to “preside over and consecrate the Eucharist.” Our Father remarked that the Prefect spoke sternly in order to make it a sacred duty for bishops to reprove these dreadful heresies, to curb these odious practices. Yet for what reasons? What harm is there in the Eucharist being celebrated by false priests or ‘priestesses’? “Answer: ‘The faithful who make attempts to celebrate the Eucharist outside of the sacred link of the Apostolic succession based on the Sacrament of Holy Orders exclude themselves from the unity of the one Body of the Lord, and consequently they do not feed the community, they do not build it, but they destroy it.’
“That is all. Rome’s reproaches [those of Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger] express her concern for defending the institution of the priesthood and the unity of communion in the Body of the Lord, i.e., the Church. There is, however, not the slightest thought, concern, awe-filled anxiety of defending God, outraged by these false masses which are shams, either idolatrous if they truly believe that they consecrate and sacrifice the Body and Blood of Christ, or profaning and blasphemous if they no longer even believe it. It is Jesus Christ Who is crucified anew in these sacrilegious travesties. Rome could not care less about that. This is a scandal far worse than the scandal of these absurd eucharists. Rome has the cult of man, of the institution, of the hierarchy, and of itself. But the cult of God, not in the least.”●
Our Father vigorously denounced the tactics and successive manoeuvres of Ratzinger-Benedict XVI: “In the awakening and the insurrection of the Catholic Faith – I simply say ‘Catholic’ – faced with an explosion of impiety, heresy, anarchy and even apostasy throughout the world due to the Hierarchy – that is patently clear – the clergy, and above all the post-conciliar religious orders – that is glaringly obvious – the German stationed in the Holy Office is acting in accordance with his nature. He devotes all his energy to reactionism in order to take the lead and to eclipse the true guides – the true guide, our Father! Then, having confiscated the reaction to his own advantage, he influences its functioning either to bring it round to the service of his plans, or lose it beyond recovery in the sands,” which will be the result of the Motu Proprio Traditionis Custodes of his successor, Pope Francis!
“Thus Cardinal Ratzinger, having made a name for himself as a conservative through a few recent utterances, rakes far and wide through the rightist, traditionalist circles with a view to leaving isolated and terribly alone and misunderstood those who refuse to lose the Faith like him, Ratzinger, with Rome, in order to regain all the advantages and honours of a comfortable ecclesiastical career.”
Cardinal Ratzinger proposed the tempting Ralliement to Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, who had signed all the Acts of Vatican II. When he became Pope, he lifted the excommunications of the schismatic bishop’s successors in order to start a dialogue with them. Never, however, did he lift Father de Nantes’ suspension to dialogue with him, and with good reason!
I am well aware of Benedict XVI’s fundamentally Modernist faith, without any doubt possible, since I made it a point of writing a literal commentary of his book Jesus of Nazareth (April 2011), as our Father would have made it his duty to do so. Thus we are able to make an informed judgement. I ended up entitling my articles Liber Accusationis Quartus, because this work offers ample material for the triple accusation of heresy, schism and scandal, which many quotations from his speeches and homilies would corroborate. We could group them under five charges of indictment, each of which is a denial:
The denial of biblical revelation in favour of Talmudic Judaism, as an alleged reparation for “the tragic events of the Nazi period, the Nazi decade.”
The denial of the Church in favour of the synagogue, the alleged heir of “the ancient People of God,” but also in favour of Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, in the name of “interreligious dialogue,” which entails “becoming open to one another,” and also “opening mankind to the peace of God, the peace of all His children, the peace of His entire family.”
The denial of Christendom in favour of the masdu, the Movement for the Spiritual Animation of Universal Democracy, a consequence of the preceding denial.
The denial of the Cross of Christ in favour of a naturalism that appears in a striking manner in the considerations that the Pope devoted to the liturgical reform: “It is a pity that these days, Sunday has been placed at the end of the week, although it is actually the first day, it is the beginning; we must remind ourselves of this: it is the beginning, the beginning of Creation and the beginning of re-Creation in the Church; it is an encounter with the Creator and with the Risen Christ. This dual content of Sunday is important: it is the first day, that is, the feast of Creation [and not of the Redemption], we are standing on the foundation of Creation, we believe in God the Creator [and not in Jesus Christ Crucified]; it is an encounter with the Risen One Who renews Creation; His true purpose is to create a world that will be a response to the love of God.”●
It is true that in order to “rise” one must first die! Yet to pass this obvious fact over in silence means that the Cross of Christ is once again made void! It is noteworthy that the Pope does not even mention the sacrificial Action of “the Risen One who renews Creation,” the holy Sacrifice of Mass, whereby the remission of the sins of the People of the Covenant is continually obtained, on “Sunday,” concurrently with Christ’s feeding of His Body, the Church.
When Benedict XVI’s patent doctrinal errors are summarised in this way, I notice something: we are the only ones who have denounced them relentlessly. There was silence from all those who took advantage of his Motu Proprio Summorum pontificum of 2007. This document gave Benedict XVI a free hand to preach the errors of the Council which his successor Pope Francis is only trying to impose by force through the Motu Proprio Traditionis Custodes.
It will be to no avail! Let us untiringly invoke the Immaculate Conception Who crushes the head of the Serpent!
Your friend and Brother Bruno de Jesus-Marie.
Private expert: is a theologian who is chosen by an individual bishop to be his personal theological advisor during an ecumenical council. He is responsible for preparing speeches or amendments that the bishop wishes to propose to the Council Fathers. Although the Private Expert does not attend the general congregations or the meetings of the commissions, he is nevertheless bound by conciliar secrecy. Unfortunately the Private Experts are sometimes referred to simply as “experts,” which leads to confusing them with the Periti who, although they are also theologians, are not in the service of individual bishops. They are appointed by the Pope to draft the conciliar schemata and eventually amend them.
Catholic Counter-Reformation no. 193, October 1983, p.7
He is Risen no. 126, March 2013