John Paul I (Pope)

The Murder of Pope John Paul I
This article, from the English CRC for October 1984, is highly relevant today in light of the evident reference to Pope John Paul I, the “ Bishop dressed in White ”, in the Third Secret of Fatima.

1. Murder at the Vatican
The book by David Yallop, IN GOD’S NAME, proves the assassination by poisoning, previously suspected although none of the details were known, of Pope John Paul I during the night of 28 to 29 September 1978, after a reign of thirty-three days on the throne of Saint Peter.

2. Justice will be heard
John Paul I assassinated ? Absurd. No need to disprove it. So, everything was normal at the Vatican before the death of John Paul I ? Of course ! And on the day of his death, everything was in order ? Absolutely ! And since then...? Oh ! since then, everything has been going from strength to strength in the kingdom of Augeas. So say the court flatterers, and we can take it from them !