Point 48. Hallowed be the Father's Name

In the fullness of his faith, the Phalangist knows, adores and loves our heavenly Father through Jesus Christ in the worship that the one true Church offers Him in the Holy Spirit. The Phalangist is already in the way of eternal life, to which he was introduced through baptism and of which the Eucharist is the food of holiness and immortality.

1. This religion is the essential of his thoughts and of his activity: it is a theocentrism, a theandry, a theocracy, amystical aesthetic, summed up in the words of the Apostle, “ Our conversation is in Heaven ”; yes, his behaviour is heavenly. His essential quest is that wisdom whose wonderful fruit he savours, the beauty of a religion lived fully and of cosmic breadth, the only true salvation hoped for. “ Beauty will save the world ”, said Dostoyevsky; and indeed it is the outpouring of God’s glory into His mystical Body that is the ultimate beauty of the world, the praise of glory, the reason for the Christian’s joy and thanksgiving. For, in the words of Saint Irenaeus, “ The glory of God is living man, and the life of man is the vision of God. 

2. To admire this glory in all its ecclesial, social, human and cosmic perfection, to protect it and enrich it with new beauties, such is the work of hallowing the divine Name. It is the combined mysterious fruit of God’s gracious power and of man’s virtue, a miraculous poem in which our heavenly Father is well pleased.

It is here that the Phalangist receives his first and principal vocation, both earthly and immortal, overflowing with joy and fruitfulness. All his other activities and thoughts flow from this Unum Necessarium and they all lead back to it, finally coming to rest in the fullness of the seventh temporal day and the seventh eternal day in the heart of God. Then all will be sacred art, the divine harmony of restored creation, in which every vocation will find its true meaning and worth, beyond faith and hope, beyond truth and goodness, in the hyperbolic beauty of Love.