He is risen !
N° 237 – October-November 2022
Director : Frère Bruno Bonnet-Eymard
In the course of universal history, there is nothing correspondent to the spectacle of the fall of the sun, on October 13, 1917, at Fatima, other than the Resurrection of the Lord. It is the apocalyptic sign of God’s indignation against an apostate world, and in this wrath of God, mercy is shown in favour of those who ask forgiveness and convert. While it is true that the United States occupies the news on a daily basis, this does not mean that this country has a role to play in the divine plan. By immersing ourselves in the history of this country, we will better understand why Heaven did not turn to this people.The day of the Lord is drawing nigh
The Failure of the Hegemonic Ambition
of the United States (1898-2021)