He is risen ! N° 229 – April 2022 Director : Frère Bruno Bonnet-Eymard Letter to Bishop Alexander Joly“You are today in the midst of your flock, as the successor of the Apostles, the representative of Our Lord and it is in this capacity that I wish to honour your authority and appeal to your spiritual powers. I will begin by introducing you to Father de Nantes and our Communities, his work and especially what constituted the ‘great affair’ of his life.”
Letter to Bishop Alexander Joly“You are today in the midst of your flock, as the successor of the Apostles, the representative of Our Lord and it is in this capacity that I wish to honour your authority and appeal to your spiritual powers. I will begin by introducing you to Father de Nantes and our Communities, his work and especially what constituted the ‘great affair’ of his life.”