Point 119. The victory of capitalism over communism, globalisation
Globalisation is the last manifestation of liberal capitalism. Heralded for a long while as the ideal of international finance’s domination over the world, globalisation became a reality at the end of the 1970s through the agency of the Trilateral Commission. Its idea was simple: “ financiers choose technocrats who fabricate democrats out of nothing, in order to rule the world by means of these interposing puppets. ” (Fr. de Nantes, CCR n° 92). Its programme was to go beyond the confrontation phase between communism and capitalism in order to establish a global agreement that would facilitate technological, commercial and financial exchanges, on the pretext of fighting economic disparities and of settling the major global problems of energy supply, the ecological risks, etc.
This policy was a salutary solution for both the communist countries, which were weighed down by state collectivism and the arms race but also for the capitalist countries, the saturated economy of which needed new markets.
A profound upheaval as regards governance was experienced in the last decade of the 20th century. This upheaval was presented as unavoidable progress for the prosperity of the planet. What remained of national autonomy was wiped out by the constitution of regional political groups, e.g., the European Union or of purely economic groups, such as free trade zones. Under this regime, the economic structure of historically prosperous countries was deeply altered by the phenomenon of relocation, while in the Third World or in former communist bloc countries, emerging economies developped prodigiously. There followed a formidable increase in financial exchanges. They became a fully-fledged economic activity that were more productive of wealth than the real economy!
The Davos Conference continues the work of the Trilateral. Representatives of our Western governments, the masters of the international finance, as well as representatives of Communist countries attended it. Although globalisation is meant to bring peace and well-being to the whole world, it is in fact nothing more than the application of capitalist imprudence to the whole world.
Therefore, even before drawing up the exhaustive list of the advantages and disadvantages of globalisation, there exists an extremely simple principle for judging and discerning with extraordinary clarity the truth in the apparent confusion of events. Any power, whether it be a monarchy, an empire, a dictatorship, a republic, socialism or communism, that declares itself faithful to the great Principles of 1789, is or will be the tool of judaeo-masonry and shares in its threefold fight against God, against kings and against man himself, restoring the sole dictatorship of Money.
If, on the other hand, there is a future for the world far removed from the triple alliance of capitalism, socialism and communism – which originally are three forms of biblicism, Judeo-Protestant, Calvinist, Methodist and Lutheran, and which end in three forms of barbarity, Anglo-Saxon, Germanic, and Slav – this future will be Catholic, royalist, and communitarian, in the manner of those happy times before 1789.