Point 126. For a society of trust
The repression of the subversive intrigues of anonymous and vagabond fortune, of the media and of terrorism, will aid the restoration of the authority of the State and consequently will bring about a return of confidence at the heart of the national community.
1. It will not be totalitarianism, primarily because the plutocracy in this country only represents a tiny minority, who will suffer no great harm anyway. This minority will be obliged to give up its unjust speculations and its manoeuvres for world domination. Thus corrected, this financial and business minority will be protected against itself, and its abilities and activities will be useful to the country.
As for the parties, they will no longer exist, having no further raison d’être. It will be the end of their ideological, financial and administrative oppression. The members of the republican legal country will have to join the ranks of the real country, and if they wish to work for the common good, they will have to place their aptitudes and ambitions at the service of the national State.
2. It will not be an intellectual totalitarianism; on the contrary, it will be deliverance from the current totalitarianism of error, absurdity and impiety. It will be sufficient to ensure total freedom to the truth and to suppress the voluntary spread of atheist materialism, of error and lie, of slander and defamation, so that freedom of thought may once more be a good and salutary thing.
The Catholic Church, in fact, does not impose her Creed through coercion. On the contrary, she forbids the forcing of souls and of consciences. Deprived of all social rights, error and evil will certainly be repressed when they constitute an aggression, a provocation or an unjust seduction for the Christian people for, in that case, they would be seriously damaging to human and divine order. They can, however, be objects of tolerance on the part of the public and even of the religious authorities, if they are the cause of no social harm. In many cases this tolerance seems to be preferable for the good of peace and as an expression of fraternal charity.
3. Nor will it be a police totalitarianism, because the end of extortion, at whatever level, is an absolute good for the people. The shock of the necessary rigours will only be harshly felt by the small number of criminals and by those oligarchies unknown or detested by the majority. The effect of security, honesty and peace, however, is universal. Thus, the sense of human community will be reborn and the activity of the human community will be resumed under a thousand forms wherever fraternity is the rule. For it is more prudent, more expedient and more refreshing to be wise rather than mad, to be an honest man rather than a thief, to be generous rather than disagreeable, quarrelsome, ambitious and violent.
Once this salubrious work is done, the “ convivial society ” will recover of its own accord.