Point 124. Fraternal justice and charity

For a national community the essential bond of which is the true religion, there is no need for any materialist, gnostic or racist “ mystique ”. France is not a goddess, neither is the State a god, nor any man an absolute. The goal and the centre of everything is not economics, politics or humanity, it is God! That is what simplifies, pacifies and quietens life.

1. The national community, in all its natural circles, welcomes, educates and protects its members, in the first place out of pure natural generosity, then in accordance with this “ immense reciprocity of services ” (Mgr Freppel) where each one’s rights and duties are spontaneously determined, without too much egalitarian calculation, for the greatest good of all, account being taken of the recognised supernatural vocation of each person and of the service required of him by the nation.

2. The law of work is sacred: “ In the sweat of your brow shall you earn your bread. ” Consequently, every duty fulfilled, all honest work, any service, becomes a source of merit and of right. Work and social service are protected, that is to say aided and favoured, and guaranteed as far as possible by the public authority, because they are the first and principal source of wealth, honour and authority in the nation, in contrast to speculation, intrigue and favouritism.

This law of work and of social service forbids the parasitism of rich and poor alike. It forbids claims to rights without duties and the excesses of a degrading social welfare system.

3. The charitable services needed by the national community will be created by the Church and by individual initiatives. “ You are all brothers, you all have but one Father ”, Jesus Christ taught. Our common Father is not the State, but God. Of course, as an exception, the State provisionally making up for a lack of spontaneous devotion, may act, but these charitable services will fall to a great extent to the local and professional communities in direct contact with the hardships to be relieved, such as: the welcoming of immigrants, the reclassification of marginalised people, assistance for the unemployed, aid for the poor, and generally every possible care for those who have fallen through the net of the social fabric and are thereby deprived of all help.

For “ the poor you will have always with you ” and, perhaps you too will be one of those poor people who ask for help. It is for each to do to others as he would have done to himself in a similar distress, not out of justice nor for political reasons, but through charity.