Georges de Nantes (Father)

Our founder
Summary of articles that explain the life and work of Abbé Georges de Nantes, founder of the Catholic Counter-Reformation to thetwenty-first century.

Fidei Defensor
Father de Nantes is a Catholic priest and theologian who believes that the new “orientations” of the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965), upheld and further developed by Popes Paul VI and John Paul II, have been an unmitigated disaster for the Church.

A Son of the Church
Sixty years of Catholic Counter-Reformation and French Counter-Revolution, Fr. de Nantes, « A son of the Church ». This is a biographical summary by Brother Bruno of Jesus...

The canonical situation of Father Georges de Nantes
Our Father established us on the Rock, that is to say, the Heart of the Church, by carefully protecting us from all heresy and all schism, ever since the beginning of the Council. His fight always took place under the protection of the laws of the Church...

Defender of the Faith
An outstanding Roman Catholic priest of today is Fr. de Nantes, philosopher and theologian. He is the leader of the most dynamic traditionalist movement in the French church, and the founder of a flourishing religious community... Learn more?

Father de Nantes in Canada
« We would simply like to recall here the memory he left us of a paternal heart, always looking after his own in faith and charity, and manifesting an invincible hope. Let us recall first how his zeal for the salvation of souls brought him all the way to Canada. »

Chronology of a life and a work
Chronology of the life and work of Fr. Georges de Nantes, since its birth in 1924 until his death in 2010.

Georges de Nantes. The Mystical Doctor of the Catholic Faith.
For fifty-seven years I was the privileged witness of the life and the thought of Fr. de Nantes. This biography is my filial testimony. I have kept in the background as much as possible in order to let our Father speak, for he alone knew better than anyone else how to relate the incredible combat into which he led us, and how to present the monumental work that he bequeathed to us, which we must now cause to bear fruit.

Prayer for the glorification of our Father
Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, in these times of diabolical disorientation, You have not abandoned Your Holy Church to the heresy and schism that have led so many souls down the road to apostasy. You gave her as a defender Your priest Georges de Nantes...

For the Church - Against the Schismatic Drift
After the promulgation of the new Order of the Mass, Fr. de Nantes boldly entered the battle against the liturgical reform. However, from the autumn of 1969, the theologian of the Catholic Counter-Reformation had a new and even more pressing concern, that of defending the unity of the Church against the schismatic drift.