Georges de Nantes.
The Mystical Doctor of the Catholic Faith
Third part
ST. GEORGE’S COMBAT (1963-1993)
“ The great affair of my life. ”
“ FOR forty-five years my life has been filled with the fearful drama of my insurrection against my masters. For twenty-five years, I have been against the most formidable of councils, and for twenty years I have publicly accused Popes Paul VI and John-Paul II of heresy, schism and scandal. In this I have been surrounded by a handful of religious brothers and sisters, and a little Phalange of disciples and friends. It is a fact unique in the two thousand years of the Church’s history. ” (CCR no 224, November-December 1989, p. 6)
“ The real horror came when the Church, in her Head and in her members, showed more and more aggressively an abhorrence of all that had been her sustenance for nineteen centuries, and her resolution to deny her faith, her discipline, her entire social and moral order, for a sceptical liberalism at first, and then a profoundly anticlerical, antichristic, and virtually atheistic secularism. This catastrophe did not disturb us to the point of lapsing from the Faith or of falling into revolt or schism. For such a trial had been predicted and expected by Christian communities since apostolic times. With St. Thérèse of the Child Jesus, we began to desire living in these times of the Apocalypse in order to bear witness to our Faith unto the supreme sacrifice. ”
(G. de Nantes, meditation of February 11, 1999)
- 15. At the Council, the sect seized power
- 16. The appeal to the infallible magisterium
- 17. The Trial Was Never Concluded
- 18. Neither Schism nor Heresy
- 19. To prepare the Catholic Renaissance
- 20. John Paul I, A Saint Pius X Without Knowing It
- 21. The House of God Is on Fire!
- 22. The humiliation of God and the patience of saints
- 23. The children ask for bread