Second Petition to Pope Francis

Maison Saint-Joseph, February 2, 2017,
on the feast of the Presentation.
Most Holy Father,
One day mutual friends that our Father Georges de Nantes had with your predecessor, Emeritus Pope Benedict XVI, asked him when he was still only Cardinal Ratzinger, in charge of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith for Pope John Paul II, why he never replied to the petitions of Fr. de Nantes. The cardinal replied that it was a “ question of principle.”
Knowing that you profess a diametrically opposite principle, and that every day we see you replying to all the humblest of solicitations, I can only conclude that since I have received no acknowledgment of receipt from you, someone at the Vatican did not deem it expedient to transmit to you my petition of October 4, 2016.
That is, unless the announcement of a plenary indulgence granted beginning last November 26, for the Jubilee Year that you have proclaimed is your reply. We are most grateful for it, Most Holy Father, but that does not suffice.
I therefore take it upon myself to make another attempt, but publicly, hoping that my cry uttered in the desert before the Face of God will reach you, God willing, in order that you may bow to the very precise commands of Our Lady of Fatima.
Most Holy Father,
We have entered the centenary year of the apparitions of Our Lady of Fatima Who descended from Heaven to our earth in 1917, at the height of World War I, in order to wage a “ decisive battle ” against Hell, which She had shown to the three little seers. Sister Lucy specified forty years later: “ A decisive battle is the final battle in which we will know which side is victorious and which is defeated.” (to Father Fuentes, on December 26, 1957)
To ensure this victory, the Queen of Heaven informed the three little seers, Lucy, Francisco and Jacinta, during Her third apparition on July 13, 1917, of Her intention of returning to request the consecration of Russia to Her Immaculate Heart and the reparatory Communion of the first Saturdays. “ If My requests are heard, She said, Russia will be converted and there will be peace. If not, she will spread her errors throughout the world, provoking wars and persecutions against the Church. ”
This is the sight that the world offers today, Most Holy Father, because the requests of the Queen of Heaven have not yet been heard.
Yet, in his speech on Thursday, December 1, 2016, which he delivered in the reception hall of the Kremlin, the current President of Russia declared :
“ ‘We do not want confrontation with anyone. We have no need for it and neither do our partners or the global community. Unlike some of our colleagues abroad, who consider Russia an adversary, we do not seek and never have sought enemies. We need friends.”
President Putin even declared himself “ ready” to work with Donald Trump, considering it ‘important to normalise and begin to develop’ bilateral Russian-American relations. ”
In order for these declarations of peaceful intent to be implemented, it is necessary and sufficient, Most Holy Father, that you consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. You only have to say the word!
Without it, four days after the ceasefire that was signed on December 31, 2016 by the mediation of President Putin between Bashar al-Assad and part of the Syrian opposition, this ceasefire was already threatened! They would not wait for the meeting scheduled in Astana, Kazakhstan at the end of January around the diplomatic table.
Nevertheless, it is significant, Most Holy Father, that the next stage for settling the Syrian question is planned without the slightest participation of a Western country. In fact, in July 1946, the American author William Thomas Walsh questioned Sister Lucy: “ Did Our Lady tell you certain things concerning the United States of America?”
She glanced at me with a surprised look, he related. “ ‘Her smile, slightly ironic, suggested that perhaps the United States was not as important as I had imagined, in the general working of the universe.’
“ ‘No.’ she said speaking softly. ‘Our Lady never mentioned your country; but I would like Masses to be said for me in the United States.’ I promised it to her, and she assured me that she would pray for me.”
At this beginning of a Marian year, the Russians and the Turks are allies for peace in Syria, the Israelis and the Americans have resumed relations since the inauguration of Donald Trump, who is favourable to a rapprochement with Vladimir Putin; there is only one person at the centre of this new geopolitics, and it is you, Most Holy Father, whom Our Lady demanded to consecrate Russia to Her Immaculate Heart.
The Russians were at daggers drawn with the Turks on the Syrian dossier ever since a fighter plane bearing the roundels of Turkey, a member of NATO, had shot down a Russian aircraft: a casus belli, if ever there was one! “ A cause for making war” open warfare capable of dragging the Great Powers into the caldron of the Near East.
I do not know whether Your Holiness has read the third part of the Secret of Our Lady of Fatima that was entrusted to the seers on July 13, 1917. To the best of my knowledge, you have never spoken about it. It relates an Apocalyptic vision in which “ an Angel with a flaming sword in his left hand ” stands “ at the left of Our Lady. ” This sword “ flashed and gave out flames that looked as though they would set the world on fire; but they were extinguished on contact with the brilliant light that Our Lady radiated against them with Her right hand. ”
This intervention of the Virgin Mary was evident in 2013, the year of your accession. On Monday, September 9, on the diplomatic initiative of Vladimir Putin, the West abandoned the idea of bombarding Syria, provided that Bashar al-Assad’s chemical arms be destroyed. It, however, was the fruit of the Rosary recited in your presence, on your initiative, Most Holy Father, in Saint Peter’s Square on Saturday, September 7, the first Saturday of the month, and the vigil of the Nativity of Mary.
In September 2015, the Russian military intervention in Syria once again saved Bashar al-Assad’s government and changed the course of the war. Twenty-six kalibr missiles fired from the Caspian Sea destroyed eleven Islamic State targets in Syria. It was on October 7, the feast of Our Lady of the Rosary!
In December 2016, it was once again Russia that was the instrument of the Immaculate Conception pushing aside the flaming sword with Her virginal hand, by a miraculous reversal of alliances! Erdogan was the accomplice of the Islamic State. He already pictured himself its sultan provided that Bashar al-Assad be overthrown in Damascus! In addition to the growing threat of an independent Kurdistan, capable of disrupting the territorial integrity of Turkey, Erdogan had to deal with a tragic coup d’État on July 15. It is rumoured that the CIA hatched the plot in order to overthrow Erdogan by bribing Fetullah Gülen and his Islamic sect, the former ally of AKP (Justice and Development Party,) the previous presidential party.
What is certain is that it was the Russian services that extricated the Turkish President from this very difficult situation. Since then, Erdogan and Putin in concert with Iran have conducted peace negotiations in Syria with the “ rebels,” which were successfully concluded on December 8, 2016, on the feast of the Immaculate Conception!
Regarding Iran, the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPA), which was concluded on July 14, 2015 with the powers of the group 5 + 1 (United States, Russia, China, France, United Kingdom and Germany), was implemented on January 16, 2016. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) reviews and monitors Iran’s implementation of the commitments made. Iran seemed to give full satisfaction and yet Iran’s launching of missile perhaps jeopardises the JCPA. In any case, maintaining this system of sanctions, even if they have been suspended, penalises the economic relations of Teheran with the rest of the world, since the banks hesitate to work with Iran.
To counter the risk of an escalation between Washington and Teheran, and to give a mediatory predominance to Russia, a Christian country, over the Persian Muslim power, your intervention, Most Holy Father, by her consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, would be decisive.
The same holds true for North Korea, which is not controlled by any international agreement, when its leader affirms that his country is “ in the last stages before the test launch of an intercontinental ballistic missile.” This is a direct legacy of the “ errors of Russia. ” The ‘only [effective] antimissile’ in this extreme peril is still and always the consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary! There is no more urgent prayer intention for our jubilee pilgrimage.
World peace depends on you, Most Holy Father, on you alone, on your obedience to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. The act of consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary would not constitute an interference in the affairs of this country, but it would be an act of pure obedience to the Most Blessed Virgin, to Whom Russia has been entrusted for a thousand years. Our Lord told Lucy this when she asked Him why “ He would not convert Russia without His Holiness making this consecration.”
Our Lord answered: “ It is because I want the whole Church to recognise this consecration as a triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, so as then to extend Her cult and to place devotion to this Immaculate Heart alongside devotion to My Divine Heart. ”
“ But, my God,” I said, “ the Holy Father will never believe me unless You Yourself move him by a special inspiration.”
“ Oh, the Holy Father! Pray much for the Holy Father. He will do it, but it will be very late. However, the Immaculate Heart of Mary will save Russia; Russia is entrusted to Her.’”
In your greetings to the Roman Curia, Most Holy Father, you complained about the “ hidden resistance” and the “ malicious resistance,” which you perceive in the ranks of your own collaborators. These forms of resistance come from the “ the Devil, who inspires ill intentions often cloaked in sheep’s clothing.” You could not have given a better description of the “ hidden” and “ malicious resistance” to the will of the Most Blessed Virgin Herself, such as it came to fore during the international [anti] Marian Congress, which was organised by the Pontifical International Marian Academy, in Fatima in September 2016. It can be detected even in the communiqué that announced your desire to grant the plenary indulgence to the pilgrims of Fatima. The text specifies that this indulgence is “ Christological.” That is why “ the diocese of Leiria-Fatima recommends us to participate actively in a celebration or a prayer in honour of the Blessed Virgin, to pray the Our Father, to recite the Creed and to invoke the Blessed Virgin.” Here we find this malicious omission of the Rosary, bitterly debated in the Council and finally ratified in the Conciliar Constitution Lumen Gentium (no. 68). It is truly a victory of the Devil over “ the Women” Who descended from Heaven six times, on the thirteenth of each month from May to October, to demand “ that people recite the Rosary every day. ”
Your predecessors from John XXIII to Benedict XVI evaded the consecration of Russia and the reparatory devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Under your pontificate, “ someone ” is evading the Rosary!
This means that you are being deprived of the only and the ultimate means that God offers you to carry the gigantic “reform” that you have undertaken for the salvation of the Church and the world to a successful conclusion. Absit !
Brother Bruno of Jesus-Mary.