1. A Roman Land, a Christian Land
From the first days of the conquest, French Algeria took over from Roman Algeria. Everyone – colonists, soldiers, priests, archaeologists, academics from our colonial period – were conscious of reconnecting with Rome which, during six hundred years, ense et aratro, “ by the sword and the plough ”, had pacified and colonised Africa.

2. A French land (1830-1916)
France was preparing to subjugate the whole North African coast to her civilising law « in the name of the most Christian King Charles X, the Victorious » when it was learned with astonishment and consternation at Algiers on August 10, 1830 that the throne of this King had been overthrown and that the Tricouleur had replaced the White Banner. [...]

3. The causes of a rebellion (1916-1954)
« A shot rang out in the night; then silence returned. The world was indifferent and took no notice. But, in the Kingdom of God, a new blood flowed, a love poured forth, which enriched this land and these impulsive or criminal men with a superabundant grace of pardon and glory. » (Georges de Nantes, 1957)

4. The rebellion and its accomplices (1954-1956)
« “ To save an historical community ”. One community, not two, where there would be Europeans on one side and Muslims on the other; the colonial institution had united in an admirable reciprocity of services. This resulted in a concrete, living and historical order, which is not debatable, and which must be saved, inasmuch as forces of evil work desperately to destroy it. »

5. The Battle of Algiers (1957)
The FLN leaders drew up their plan of action for winter 1956-1957: Take Algiers as the theatre of operations, defy French sovereignty in its citadel and bring revolutionary combat under the very eyes of medias; it was thus to place the action in the best resonance chamber. Thus was begun the « Battle of Algiers ».

6. The strong national reaction on May 13, 1958
On the evening of May 12, the leader announced his decision : the following day, the general Government would be besieged. Then what ? Then, they would call in the army. Then what ? The French army would be able to impose a government of national security. « The crowds would follow », he claimed. Dismissed at first, the idea took hold, and May 13 dawned, a May 13 that would mark Algerian and French history. [...]

7. The great betrayal (1958-1961)
De Gaulle is the Catholic, military, aristocratic, and for the foreign countries, the French guarantor of this gigantic betrayal. He possesses for this task the calculating coldness and the two powers that the Gospel recognises as characteristic of the devil’s sons: the power of lying outrageously and of killing or crushing people once they have grasped his game clearly.

8. The martyred province (1962)
Calm still reigned in our French departments of North Africa, where the army continued to fulfil its function. In a year’s time, however, the abandonment of our beautiful Algeria would be complete. From April 1961 to March 1962, the negotiations undertaken by the French government with the Algerianrebellion would end in the victory of the worst.

Conclusion on the Algerian War
It will be better tomorrow, to go there in the name of Catholic France, to convert and civilise these distant peoples in the Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, rather than to subject them, only to reject them later on, in the name of republican Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity, barbarian and bloodthirsty divinities, that cause the unhappiness of peoples and the eternal damnation of souls wherever they reign.